Sunday, 13 March 2016

Ceramic Health and Safety

Health & Safety using Ceramics:

Long-term exposure to clay dust can be very detrimental to your health as it is carcinogenic; all tools and surfaces need to be thoroughly cleaned with water after use with clay .

1) Use protective clothing including non-latex gloves and apron, and tie back hair.

2) Work on top of paper that can be disposed of at the end of the session. This is to keep mess and clay dust to a minimum.

3) Always use the ceramic tools for their intended use and reduce ceramic dust by washing tools thoroughly after use.

4) If any paints, glazes or clay gets left on the tables you should wash them off to reduce clay dust.

5) To further reduce clay dust, wash your hands appropriately throughout the lesson and at the end.

6) Clean up spillages immediately to prevent; potential contamination or risk to others consuming or slipping on it.

7) Don’t eat or drink in the classroom - only sealable bottles of water.

8) When carving into clay, have a bowl of water to brush off any clay dust into.

9) Do not throw clay tools at any time or run in the classroom – act sensibly.

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